This service is discontinued. Thank you for your trust!


Synchronizes your clipboard between all of your devices.


Clipboard Synchronization

Copy on device 1. Paste on device 2. Sounds impossible? No! Qu!ckCl!p allows you to synchronize your clipboard between all of your devices in real time.


Online History

Forgot something important which was copied yesterday? Maybe on another device? Don't worry! Qu!ckCl!p offers you a detailed history of your last clipboard content online. It includes the Text-, the HTML-, and the Image Clipboard.


Easy Sharing

What is more important than the contact between you and your friends, colleagues, etc.? Share your clipboard content in just a few clicks with ease!

Never ever barriers again.

With Qu!ckCl!p you will never ever ask again things like "How to open this link on my other device?"
Instead you'll just copy this link's address and paste it on your other device.
Give it a try!



Copied and nearly at the same time on your other devices!



Your life is stressfull enough! Qu!ckCl!p works almost full automatic.




No disturbance

Qu!ckCl!p works in the background - you'll never get disrupted by it.


Free & without ads

As this is a hobby project of just another bored programmer, this service is completely free!

